15 Mar Deadbeat Girl in Brooklyn playing guitar with Girl in Red
Imagine going to your favorite concert, camping out all night, meeting your favorite artist in line, writing a sign asking if you can play guitar on stage, and then during the concert the lead singer asks you to come up to play guitar? That’s exactly what happened for Deadbeat Girl at Brooklyn steel in Brooklyn, NYC.
Val, aka Deadbeat Girl, is a huge fan of artist and LGBTQ+ icon, Girl in Red. Obsessed with her music, Val jumped at the chance to see the artist play in Brooklyn. An avid concert goer, Val always camps out the night before to ensure she gets barricade at the concert, and going to Girl in Red was no exception. While camping out, a stranger just happened to have an extra sign and markers, so Val thought it would be funny to create a sign asking if she could play guitar on stage. Check out this Tik Tok video to see how it all went down:
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